The antique tractor looks well used in its original form, with paint that is faded and missing in places, and patinated by light surface rust in others. On the side of the hood are the dark silhouettes of letters that once spelled out John Deere GP. At first glance this 1938 Unstyled A doesn’t look like anything special, but for Beckner it is quite possibly the find of a lifetime.

I said before that buying 250 business cards is the greatest investment of my college career. But in reality, nothing will make you stand out more than whipping out a business card with your name on it. Then, imagine handing it to that successful stranger you met in line at Starbucks, who somehow knows your second cousin Jeanie, and now wants to give you a job.

There is a whole body of law that tackles those real dilemmas,where lawyers parse a law’s “plain meaning,” technical legal meaning, context, purpose and effect. There are whole books about this sort of thing, about the “cannons of construction” that help interpret how Congress “constructs” its legislation. One could even apply those formal methods to this this case there are rules about strictly applying the “literal meaning” of a statute’s words, and there are exceptions to those rules for when the literal interpretation would deliver absurd results undermining the law’s goal.

Taking a hard look at the impact of discounting on the family budget raises the inevitable question: Does shopping at Wal Mart and its like make us wealthier? Discounters have helped to keep inflation at bay, and that in itself is a victory. But the Great Depression was characterized not by inflation but by deflation, particularly wage deflation. In recent decades, wage stagnation and growing debt made discounting all the more compelling.

To help everyone stay Wholesale Baseball Jerseys sane, we’ve compiled a list of ideas for free (and cheap) fun around Hampton Roads. Tuesdays and Wednesdays for $1. The program lasts nine weeks and its lineup includes “Paddington” and “The Lego Movie.”Sure, daffodils, crape myrtles and even streaks of pollen dust signify spring.

Republican Rep. Dale Kooyenga has long pushed for little cigars, which have filters and are smaller than cigarillos, to be taxed the same as cigarettes, and he thinks there’s enough support for the idea this year. The proposal is part of a larger Assembly Republican plan to pay for roads that appears to have a slim chance of passing..

We’re not the type to let things go. We’ll stay up all night having miserable tear filled conversations before giving up to our ever increasing exhaustion. We refuse to go to bed angry, so we always wake up together.. The Royal McGregor, on the city’s Royal Mile, has a breakfast menu that could satisfy the finnickiest, selfie stick jousting tourist. Besides its fry up, you can order porridge, French toast, or a “healthy” option (but you’re not interested in that right now, obviously). A whisky bar in the evening, the Royal McGregor is a modest but well regarded fixture of the Royal Mile, a thoroughfare whose culinary reputation is otherwise patchy.


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