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The second website is Steep and Cheap. This is a website for outdoor enthusiasts who want to buy that great piece of gear at a steal. Every 15 minutes or so, the website offers another deal on items. One government official we spoke with on Thursday, representing the Guangxi Ministry of Commerce, apologized to us for the fact that the building we were meeting in had been built in 1995. If you want to know what 10 percent economic growth, compounded annually, looks like, a visit to the city of Nanning offers a visceral introduction. But it also sounds a warning bell..

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“I didn even know that I had that many and it not something that I keep track of. I just know I had a lot and the ones I had recently taken in were too much you know for me to handle and I was trying to do the best I could to find them homes and sell them for really cheap.”Brown said the breeding business came to a screeching halt with the dwindling economy. She admits the number of dogs got out of control.”Especially the ones I had taken in, mine were manageable you know and I don mind, I would even surrender the ones that I was trying to find homes for,” she said.Deputies said the dog living environment was in inhumane.”Cages do get dirty if they not cleaned off everyday and we had not had a chance to clean out the cages that day,” said Brown.While Brown tells us she realizes 118 dogs are too much to handle, she wants some of them back.


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