As a blogger on one of the news sites put it, if you are convicted for drug dealing, you can have your house and car confiscated. If you get caught for speeding, you can have your car seized and impounded. But, if you are a government official convicted for corruption in a $1 billion sale of a publicly owned railway, what do you get? Just two years of arrest As a jailbird might say, can do that time standing on my head.

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Federal Liberals said the people of Ontario priorities were their priorities, said McNaughton. This is a huge priority in eastern Ontario. It about public safety, economic growth and development and convenience. Having held no public consultations, and preceded by only a few scant press releases, on April 1, 2006, the governments of British Columbia and Alberta announced the signing of a sweeping new accord: the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement [1] Though promised as a boon to the economy n95 face mask, a look at the facts leaves the pact seeming more like a cruel April Fools’ joke. Lee and Weir also point out a $2.4 billion arithmetic error in the Conference Board study, along with the report’s wholesale inclusion of industries exempt from TILMA. [2].

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Swollen creeks maybe. A few roads blocked. A little landslide here and there. The mango was a bit of a wallflower in the party, but we could definitely pick out the juicy orange and passionfruit after the recommended brewing time. It had a light orange colour and very delicate sweetness. A really nice little brew this, made all the better by a little fresh orange in the bottle.


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